Saturday, December 18, 2010

Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Competitiveness

Hmmmm. Wonder if Stevie let Danny in on this little ditty? Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Competitiveness

The Americans are backing in behind their borders and trying to get all our power tied into their grid before pulling the plug. Makes sense. The US is scared, and they're creating a fortress around them.

Sad. In a world where most people want openness and freedom, the place that espouses the rhetoric the loudest is the worst offender. Doublespeak seems an apt description indeed for what's unfolding.

01/15/2011. Just found this additional ditty. Here's Tim Powers talking about Harper and Williams getting together for our collective energy's sake at Now that's a tell if I ever saw one. Not so well played there Timmy boy, not so well played at all. i wonder if we can call up your records with a subpoena since Williams torched his?

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