If....Atantica-NALCOR-Lower Churchill-NAFTA and Abitbibowater-NALCOR-FortisENEL strung together don't beg the question "is there more to this than meets the eye?", i'll be damned!!
This happening is NAFTA big alright. It also deals with cross Canada energy happenings, Atlantica partnership deals, and a provincial energy departments legal meanderings.
ABH is making a big play to sell its hydro assets Canada-wide, with all sorts of complicated legal fandangling (including the highly contested star lake hydro partnership with ENEL/CHI). Check out this video. WOW!! There he is laying it out.
williams is trying to thrwart the manouver locally by using the terms of the 99yr lease non-renewable lease agreement, which is also under Bill 27, and now Bill 75's legislative authority, to boot ABH out.
what everybody seems to be confused about is the status of all the leases and charters which ABH is under, and what exactly just happened with the land, water and infrastructure owned by this American Corporation.
to sum it all up...NALCOR now sits where ABH did in the partnerships entered into with Fortis and ENEL over the past decade or so. this includes rights to water and hydro around the red indian lake lease (associated with the chartered land in 999yr in-perpetuity lease), associated Star Lake assets, and down river facilites at bishops falls and those in buchans (see bill 75 for specifics).
this is the future people. the guys in suits are gonna do it to us again if we don't wake up soon! just follow the money, its easier to see then.
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