Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Community Linkages Report Needs More Attention

This report written by the group Community Linkages certainly needs more airing out. It is well written, concise and could provide a good portion of the solution to the issues in our inshore fishery. It's a starting point that no politician or industry leader would take up simply because of the sheer size of the task. That is not good enough. More needs to done to stabilize the economies of our rural communities and ensure many more generations of Newfoundlanders can fully enjoy the true quality of life many outport people have come to appreciate and love.

Here's the interview with the gov't and industry dudes. Which side has rural Newfoundland in its heart?

1 comment:

  1. Every problems needs solutions. Hence, every problem has solution. These community linkages might naturally need more attention for them to have a better community. It may also help them developing their community.
