Sunday, November 22, 2009

Organic Farming in a rural Newfoundland about a challenge

With the heart disease and cancer rates well above all provincial and national averages, its not hard to believe local people don't 'get' the idea of organic food.

After running a small organic market garden for two summers in Eastport I can see why so many people are affected by these two major health problems, especially the women in the community.

Obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise and generally poor education levels about food are reflected in the populations family life, general well-being and their ability to get out and enjoy the beautiful area. Not surprisingly, since my income is generated mostly from an organic gardening business ideally based on the portion of the female population that is the unhealthiest, this communities issues around health and food have started to affect my life and general well-being.

When I started to garden here three years ago it was under the assumption that it would take two to three years for the local people to catch on to the idea of having fresh local organic food available to them. Well, it's taking a bit longer than I expected. Last season I could count on one hand the number of local people that came in to buy a salad. The thing is I know it's not all their fault, I've made my share of mistakes and will admit to that, but what we need to do is all work together on being healthy and that's just not happening.

I knew I was in for a big challenge with this project. Upon reflection, what's needed is a longer term outlook on the goal of community general health and more time spent ensuring the farms viability so we can all get there eventually, together.

Guess it's time for some community spirit to the compost pile it is!!

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